Hello there viewers, i am indeed happy to wrte you again. In some of our previous posts i have been talking about some excel topcis and i have happened to talk about 2 or 3 of them. Today, i will be talking about another important topic under the excel program that affects us one way or the other, you been a student or a worker, its most important to business organisation as it affects how you as a Director run your firm, follow the post!!!!!!!!!!
Payroll analysis is a spreed sheet analysis that is used for the recording of how staff of a firm are been paid in a business firm. It goes beyound what you can see, so i will explain. At the end of every day, week or month, staff of various firms are been paid depending on the contract signed, how they are paid is whats recorded in this payroll. In some firms, there are usually addition of allowances to the salaries of their staff, sometimes depending on their positions or their efficiency at work. All the same, there are also dues that are sometimes taken from these workers either knowingly or unknowly to them. When such dues are paid, they are not removed from the staff allowances or from the addition of the allowance and the actual salary, they are removed from the salary, as well as when a staff borrows money from the company, the company also removes its money from the salary and not the allowances, take note. Usually, the allowances are added in percentage, a staff allowances may be 10% of his actual salary....
Payroll analysis can be calculated with the following fields,
S/N: numeric values
DATE: =today()
POSITION: The position the staff is holding in the company
BASIC SALARY: The actual amount agreed between the company and the staff to be paid during a particular period of time, usually a month.
ALLOWANCES (MEDICAL, TRANSPORT AND HOUSE ALLOWANCE): Added amounts to the staff salary, either by efficiency or position..
=SUM(F5*2%) 2 is the number of percentage....
GROSS PAY: this is the addition of the staff salary and his/her allowances..
(see image)
from the above image, you notice that we didnt use the (+) sign to add the different fields, we used (:). Whenever you are adding just one field you can use the additional sign (+), but when your adding more than one, we use the (:) sign
LOAN: this is the amount a worker lends from his company (CAN BE IGNORED IF WORKER DID NOT BORROW)
TAX: All companies in Nigeria pays taxes, so this is an amount removed from staff salaries and sent to the government.
DEDUCTION: this is the addition of the loan and the tax.. =SUM(K5+L5)
NETPAY: The netpay is the total amount that will be remaining when the deduction is removed from the Grosspay of a worker.
(see a rough work below)
ask your questions an add your contributions by dropping your comments below, thanks
Payroll analysis is a spreed sheet analysis that is used for the recording of how staff of a firm are been paid in a business firm. It goes beyound what you can see, so i will explain. At the end of every day, week or month, staff of various firms are been paid depending on the contract signed, how they are paid is whats recorded in this payroll. In some firms, there are usually addition of allowances to the salaries of their staff, sometimes depending on their positions or their efficiency at work. All the same, there are also dues that are sometimes taken from these workers either knowingly or unknowly to them. When such dues are paid, they are not removed from the staff allowances or from the addition of the allowance and the actual salary, they are removed from the salary, as well as when a staff borrows money from the company, the company also removes its money from the salary and not the allowances, take note. Usually, the allowances are added in percentage, a staff allowances may be 10% of his actual salary....
Payroll analysis can be calculated with the following fields,
S/N: numeric values
DATE: =today()
POSITION: The position the staff is holding in the company
BASIC SALARY: The actual amount agreed between the company and the staff to be paid during a particular period of time, usually a month.
ALLOWANCES (MEDICAL, TRANSPORT AND HOUSE ALLOWANCE): Added amounts to the staff salary, either by efficiency or position..
=SUM(F5*2%) 2 is the number of percentage....
GROSS PAY: this is the addition of the staff salary and his/her allowances..
(see image)
from the above image, you notice that we didnt use the (+) sign to add the different fields, we used (:). Whenever you are adding just one field you can use the additional sign (+), but when your adding more than one, we use the (:) sign
LOAN: this is the amount a worker lends from his company (CAN BE IGNORED IF WORKER DID NOT BORROW)
TAX: All companies in Nigeria pays taxes, so this is an amount removed from staff salaries and sent to the government.
DEDUCTION: this is the addition of the loan and the tax.. =SUM(K5+L5)
NETPAY: The netpay is the total amount that will be remaining when the deduction is removed from the Grosspay of a worker.
(see a rough work below)
ask your questions an add your contributions by dropping your comments below, thanks
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