Thursday, 3 July 2014


To change the margins in Microsoft Word and/or setup the multiple page options, first you have to open the Page Setup dialogue box.
The steps may be different in your own version of Microsoft program, i am using MS OFFICE 2007
so we begin by Clicking on Page Layout> Page Setup> Margins> Custom Margins.
(see image)

As seen from the image above, there are numerous options for adjusting the margins of your document. Including changing the dimensions of the top, left, bottom and right margins, as well as set the size and position of the gutter..

Changing the size and position in Microsoft Word is very easy, you can either use the value adjuster, or by typing in the size of the margin required directly into the corresponding box. The gutter can be placed at the top of the document or the sides, The setting of the gutter margin allows your documents to be banded, by adding some extra space to the existing margin.
The gutter size is only adjustable if the Normal option is selected for Multiple Pages.. What you can do is to click on multiple pages and select a desired option..

There are a few things to learn while we are talking about this margin, well am going to tell you some of them, they are listed below;

1. Page Orientation
Around the Margins selection tab we can also find page orientation setting, which are the Portrait and Landscape,  The Portrait is most commonly used by computer operators for typing letters and documents and printing them as well, while the  Landscape orientation is commonly used for photographs, banners, flyers, books, booklets, large format tables and many other. A user can only select one at a time as both cannot be used.

2. Normal Setting
The normal is a default setting in Microsoft Word, ans it is suitable for only regular single-sided documents which will not to be bound.

3. Mirror margins
We also have Mirror margins, when a user clicks on this option , the page will be arranged with mirrored margins effect and this setting is one very useful setting, especially for documents facing each other. A point to note is this; when a user clicks on the mirror margins option, both sides of the margin sizes on the page setup becomes the inside and outside margin sizes.

4. Multiple Page Settings
This option allows the user to select certain page/print setups, including Normal, Mirror pages, 2 pages per sheet and Book fold.

For some reasons, users tends to select 2 column while creating a document, sometimes we call it 2 pages per sheet. Well this is not only a great way to save our paper, But it is somewhat helpful if the user in question is using an automated page numbering. This option will change the size of the margin labels in the page setup dialogue box. And so if a user chooses portrait as his/her orientation, both the top and button margin labels will become the outside and inside margin labels. While if a user select landscape as his/her orientation, this will change the left and right margin labels to outside and inside, now working opposite as the first instance.

As for Book fold as mentioned before, i love this option so much, as it is a great tool for printing booklets, this will also produce a similar result while using the 2 columns per sheet option with a landscape orientation, the slight difference is that Ms Word will add a fold line to the printed document.

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