Wednesday, 18 June 2014


In Microsoft word there are lots of shortcuts that can be used to hasten our job or to add to out typing speed, which ever the case may be, i'm going to tell you some of the little i know. There will be no need wasting your time on this, i will just go ahead to the main issue
NOTE: the above listed shortcuts may/may not work on other versions of Microsoft programs due to software updates, but i assure you all the listed shortcuts are working just fine in OFFICE 2007

ctrl+a highlight all
ctrl+b Make letters bold
ctrl+c Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.
ctrl+d font dialogue box
ctrl+e center alignment
ctrl+f Find text, formatting, and special items.
ctrl+g Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other options
ctrl+h Replace text, specific formatting, and special items.
ctrl+i  Italic
ctrl+j justify
ctrl+k Insert a hyperlink.
ctrl+l   left alignment
ctrl+m creating a paragraph
ctrl+n Create a new document of the same type as the current or most recent document.
ctrl+o Open a document.
ctrl+p Print a document.
ctrl+r right alignment
ctrl+s Save a document.
ctrl+u underline
ctrl+v Paste
ctrl+w Close document.
ctrl+x Cut selected text
ctrl+y Redo last command
ctrl+z Undo last command

ctrl+shift+space bar used for creating a non breaking space
ctrl+- (Hyphen) Create a non breaking hyphen
ctrl+shift+< Decrease font size
ctrl+shift+> Increase font size
ctrl+[ Increase the font size by 1 point.
ctrl+] Decrease the font size by 1 point.
ctrl+space bar Remove paragraph or character formatting.
ctrl+alt+v Paste special
ctrl+shift+v Paste formatting only
ctrl+shift+g Open the Word Count dialog box.
alt+ctrl+s Split the document window.
alt+shift+c                Remove the document window split. (minimize)
alt+ctrl+y Repeat find (after closing Find and Replace window)
alt+ctrl+z Switch between the last four places that you have edited.

Please, Remember to use the enter key altering using the find and replace feature..

ctrl+page up                          Previous edit location.
ctrl+page down                    Next edit location.
alt+ctrl+p                             Print Layout view.
alt+ctrl+o                             Outline view.
alt+ctrl+n                             Draft view.
alt+shift+arrow left Promote a paragraph.
alt+shift+arrow right                Demote a paragraph.
ctrl+shift+n                            Demote to body text.
alt+shift+arrow up Move selected paragraphs up.
alt+shift+arrow down             Move selected paragraphs down.
alt+shift++ (Plus Sign)             Expand text under a heading.
alt+shift+- (Minus Sign) Collapse text under a heading.
alt+shift+a                              Expand or collapse all text or headings.
alt+shift+l                              Show the first line of body text or all body text.
alt+shift+1                             Show all headings with the Heading 1 style.
alt+shift+n                             Show all headings up to Heading n.
ctrl+tab                               Insert a tab character, like a paragraph
alt+ctrl+i                               Switch in or out of print preview.
page up or page down             Move by one preview page when zoomed out.
ctrl+home                               Move to the first preview page when zoomed out.
ctrl+end                                Move to the last preview page when zoomed out.
alt+ctrl+m                                Insert a comment.
ctrl+shift+e                              Turn change tracking on or off.
alt+shift+c                               Close the Reviewing Pane if it is open.?
home           Go to beginning of document.
end                                           Go to end of document.
n, enter                                    Go to page n.
escape                                      Exit reading layout view.
alt+shift+o                               Mark a table of contents entry.
alt+shift+i                                 Mark a table of authorities entry (citation).
alt+shift+x                                Mark an index entry.
alt+ctrl+f                                 Insert a footnote.
alt+ctrl+                                  Insert an end note.
alt+arrow left                          Go back one page.
alt+arrow right                         Go forward one page.
f9                                           Refresh the page
ctrl+f3                                        Cut to the Spike.
ctrl+shift+f3                                Paste the Spike contents.
alt+shift+r                                    Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document.
ctrl+f9                                         A field
shift+enter                                    A line break
ctrl+enter                                     A page break
ctrl+shift+enter                             A column break
alt+ctrl+- (Minus Sign)                  An em dash
ctrl+- (Minus Sign)                        An en dash
ctrl+- (Hyphen)                              An optional hyphen
ctrl+shift+- (Hyphen)                     A non breaking hyphen
ctrl+shift+spacebar                       A non breaking space
alt+ctrl+c                                    The copyright symbol
alt+ctrl+r                                    The registered trademark symbol
alt+ctrl+t                                    The trademark symbol
alt+ctrl+. An ellipsis

backspace                                      Delete one character to the left.
ctrl+backspace                              Delete one word to the left.
delete                                            Delete one character to the right.
ctrl+delete                                      Delete one word to the right.
ctrl+f3                                           Cut to the Spike.
alt+f3                                          When text or an object is selected, open the Create New Building Block                                                 dialog box.
shift+f10                                    When the building block — for example, a Smart Art graphic — is                                                          selected, display the shortcut menu that is associated with it.

tell us how you see them, add your's.............!!

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